Nonprofit Newsletters

Quarterly newsletter for Orleans Public Education Network and Loyola University Environmental Law Program.

Orleans Public Education Awards

Content development and collateral production for the Orleans Public Education Awards annual fundraising gala. Also led event promotion campaign and sponsorship program.

Parents’ Night Out NOLA

Promotional poster and website for Parents’ Night Out, New Orleans’ first week of parent-centric education events.

Green Justice Legal

Branding and website for Green Justice Legal, a new community law program connecting law students with Gulf Coast area social justice and public interest campaigns.

Oxfam Climate Refugee Conference

Invitation and banner for the 2016 “Beyond the Levees: Weathering Climate Change in Louisiana” conference, presented by Oxfam America, the Center for Progressive Reform, and the Loyola University of New Orleans Center for Environmental Law.

OPEN Annual Report

Content development and layout for the Orleans Public Education Network’s 2012-13 Annual Report. Also led report distribution campaign to current and prospective funders.